Building Decarbonization
Building Decarbonization
Heat Pump System Design
Heat pumps are efficient all-electric systems that are growing in popularity as we transition to carbon-free buildings. Modern air-to-air heat pumps can operate effectively down to sub-zero ambient temperatures, VRF heat pumps are the most efficient and can use the refrigeration system to transfer energy from one part of the building which is in cooling to another part of the building which needs heat. Traditional water source heat pumps can accomplish similar heat transfer from one part of the building to another and can be supplemented by a fluid cooler for excess heat rejection and/or an electric boiler for heating-dominated loads. Geothermal heat pumps are the most efficient type of heat pump system because they use the stable temperatures of the earth as a heat sink or a heat source.
Our goal is to help customers create a high-performance all-electric heating and cooling system that is designed to heat and cool using the least amount of energy possible given the project constraints and goals.