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Monitoring Based Commissioning (MBCx)

Building Commissioning

Building Commissioning

Monitoring Based Commissioning (MBCx)

Wellesley College CUP Rendering.png

B2Q has been a leader in the use of and development of MBCx software in the industry. B2Q developed in partnership with Automatech a MBCx software called FacilityConneX (FCX) that is a the most robust MBCx software available on the market. FCX is currently deployed in facilities/campuses throughout the US and Canada. Learn more about FCX at

Additionally, B2Q has utilized numerous other MBCx software at our customers’ sites by assisting their operations staff interpret the findings, to identify measures, obtain utility incentives, and implement EBCx corrective actions. We have also deployed and utilized various MBCx software platforms, including FCX, to obtain data, generate dashboards, and provide submetering and statistical data such as EUI and facility benchmarking.

B2Q often includes continuous commissioning and/or monitoring-based commissioning (MBCx) plans in our commissioning plans/reports and has been an early adopter and proponent of the use of Monitoring-Based Commissioning (MBCx) software as part of retro-commissioning and continuous commissioning and during the warranty period of new construction commissioning.

Let's get it done right.

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