B2Q performed new construction commissioning on the renovation of the UMass Chapel. The renovation included the addition of new DDC HVAC systems, sub grade mechanical and utility vaults, lighting/lighting controls, fire protection system and a new building envelope aside from preserving the original stone structure.
The Chapel is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and the renovation transformed it into a modern facility, that is now used by the University as a multi-function space for meetings, activities and events.
B2Q acted as the lead commissioning agent on the project and worked diligently to ensure that the final delivered building met the University's project requirements.
Design Development: Consulted on BOD and OPR documents; conducted peer reviews; generated design phase commissioning plan
Design: Produced commissioning specs and drafted functional performance testing documents and a construction phase commissioning plan.
Construction: Performed periodic site walkthroughs and chaired on site Commissioning meetings with the construction team.
Commissioning: Identified and helped resolve over 120 commissioning issues. Witnessed manufacturer start-ups, and TAB practices; reviewed O&Ms and as-built drawings for completeness and accuracy.
Post-Occupancy: Resolved on-going stratification issues with the south entryway and generated 10-month post occupancy trend log review.
LEED: Obtained LEED points for fundamental commissioning, enhanced commissioning
Colleges and Universities
Energy Efficiency and Analysis
Building Systems
Building Commissioning